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Mace - One of the symbols of the President's Office.

Macey Russell Dinner - Event held every September wherein Black speakers are invited to speak before Trinity students, specifically athletes of color.

Marshal of the College - Person chosen to direct organized events, most notably Commencement.

Mascot - Trinity's mascot, the bantam.

Master Plan - Iterations of Trinity's plans for campus development including spatial layout and land use.

Mather Hall - Multipurpose building on campus that is a center for student activity, housing many meeting rooms and amenities, including the main dining hall.

Mather Hall Board of Governors - A student government organization created in 1961.

Matriculation - A ceremony which symbolizes a student's official start at the college.

McCook Academic Building - Campus building which houses classrooms and laboratories, an auditorium, and offices for multiple academic departments.

Medieval Festival - A campus event which celebrated medieval life and culture.

Medusa - A student governance group that originated as a secret honorary society in 1892.

Memorial Field House - Multipurpose athletic facility that features an indoor track, as well as indoor tennis courts.

The Mill - A student-run group of artists and musicians that seeks to foster creative community on campus.

Missionary Society - A student organization of a religious nature, founded circa 1831.

Motto - Short phrase representing Trinity College's ideals.

Museum of Natural History - A collection of natural history specimens, such as animal skeletons and minerals, that was displayed for study in Boardman Hall.

m.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/02 13:09 by bant05