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Natatorium - Trinity's indoor swimming pool, located inside the Ferris Athletic Center.

Natural History Museum - Also known as the “Cabinet,” Trinity was home to a museum that included skeletons and other natural specimens.

Navy V-12 Training Program - military organization formed during WWII

'Neath the Elms - Trinity's alma mater

Nest Artists - Student-run organization focused on creating and showcasing art.

Nests - group networks of support and resources for new students

New York Association of Alumni of Trinity College - Early alumni association based on New York alums.

North Campus Hall - Student dormitory in the North Campus area on Vernon Street.

Northam Towers - Student dormitory, part of the Long Walk.

Nutt Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science Center- Academic building housing the math, engineering, and computer science departments.

n.1678746313.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/13 22:25 by afitzgerald