
Trinity Samba Ensemble

Eric Galm directs the Trinity Samba Ensemble, ca. 2018. Photo credit: Johnathon Henninger

The Trinity Samba Ensemble is a group of students who perform at various events on campus and in the greater Hartford community. The group was established in 2004 and grew out of a music performance course started by Professor of Music, Eric Galm. The course focuses on traditional Brazilian samba drumming and its related musical styles and genres. The group performs participatory call-and-response songs in Portuguese and English.

The Samba Ensemble has performed at shows put on by the Theatre and Dance department, at President Joanne Berger-Sweeney's inauguration, and most notably, at Samba Fest, an annual celebration of Brazilian and other cultural music held on Trinity's campus.


Samba Fest Returns, 4/7/2022.

The Trinity Tripod, 4/24,2018.

The Trinity Reporter, Winter 2015.

The Trinity Reporter, Spring 2010.

The Trinity Tripod, 11/28/2006.

The Trinity Tripod, 12/13/2005.