The Trinity Film Festival is an annual event that showcases international student-made films at Cinestudio. The Film Festival was founded in 2012 by faculty member John Michael Mason and the Trinity Film Society. The first festival was held on May 5, 2012.
A committee of student volunteers and Film Society members under Mason's direction receive and review film submissions made by undergraduate students throughout the year. 20 to 25 submissions are selected to be shown annually, and the filmmakers are invited to attend the Festival, which occurs in the spring.
All the selected films are shown at Cinestudio, after which an awards banquet is held where cash prizes are given to films based on the evaluations from of a panel of qualified judges. These judges have included a founder of Cinestudio, a professor of film, and a director of a casting society.
In 2020, due to the Covid pandemic, the Film Festival went virtual and live-streamed the selected films and awards banquet. The following festival in 2021 premiered the films at Cinestudio again, as well as offering a live-streamed option of the films on its website.