{{tag>traditions}} ====== College Seal ====== {{:seal200px.png?direct&200 |}} \\ The Trinity seal dates back to the College’s name change from [[washington_college|Washington College]] to Trinity College in 1845. Parts of the seal reflect the College’s [[episcopal|Episcopal]] roots. The abbreviated Latin inscriptions read “The Seal of the College of the Most Holy Trinity” and the college's motto, “For Church and Country.” The shield is also crowned with a bishop’s miter. The Greek-revival façade represents the original [[seabury_hall_old_campus|Seabury Hall]], and the stars represent the 13 colonies, giving a patriotic nod to George Washington, for whom the old college was named. ---- ===== Sources ===== Text adapted from [[https://www.trincoll.edu/abouttrinity/history-traditions/traditions/|Trinity College Traditions]] "College Seal and College Symbol of Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut" (1994) by Peter Knapp. ---- [<>]