Global Learning Sites are Trinity-sponsored study abroad programs that are overseen by Trinity faculty and include a community-learning component. The goal of these sites is for students to gain hands-on experience and to learn more about the cultures in which they are immersing themselves through academic course work, internships, and cross-cultural interaction.
Trinity's first study away site was in Rome, established by Michael Campo in 1970. The college began specifically planning for “Global Learning Sites” in 1997 with the establishment of a pilot site in Cape Town. Additional sites were later established in Barcelona, Istanbul, Paris, Moscow, Trinidad and Tobago, Vienna, and Buenos Aires.
Today, Trinity offers five of its own signature study away programs for fall and spring semesters, during winter break, and over the summer.
Trinity College Bulletin, 2013-2014 p. 6.
The Trinity Reporter, Fall 2006, pp. 6, 21.
The Trinity Reporter, Winter 2005, p. 8.
Trinity College Bulletin, 1997-1998, p. 4.