{{tag>events students}} ====== Do-It Day ====== Since its inception in 1999, Do-It Day, Trinity College’s annual community service event, has been a cornerstone of the College’s efforts to give back to the [[hartford| Hartford]] community. Founded and organized by Joe Barber of the Office of Community Service and Civic Engagement under the [[center_for_hartford_engagement_and_research_cher| Center for Hartford Engagement and Research]] (CHER), the event provides an opportunity for students and faculty to engage with various organizations and locations across Hartford, offering assistance and support wherever it is needed. Over the years, Do-It Day has grown into one of Trinity College’s largest community outreach initiatives, allowing students to break out of their academic bubble and engage with their Hartford neighbors. [{{ ::do-it-day-20240907.jpg?400|Members of the softball team worked to do some cleanup in downtown Hartford, September 2024. Photo credit: Trinity College}}] Initially, Do-It Day was open to all students who wished to volunteer, giving them a chance to serve their community while working alongside their peers. The event would typically see hundreds of volunteers against limited work opportunities, meaning some had to be turned down; this led to the restructuring of the event in 2015 to create a more formal partnership between student-athlete teams and the leaders of the P.R.I.D.E. (Promoting Respect for Inclusive Diversity in Education) Pre-Orientation Program. This change marked a shift in the program’s focus, bringing together key student groups to enhance the impact of the day’s activities, with the groups typically volunteering at the same location to create lasting partnerships. Each fall, teams of students are assigned various service projects coordinated through the efforts of the Director of the Office of Community Service and Civic Engagement, who collaborates with team coaches during the summer to organize the day’s activities. These service assignments range from environmental efforts, such as gardening and park cleanups, to community support, including working at local food pantries and senior centers. Students also dedicate time to mentoring youth and helping to foster connections with students sharing their love and passion for sport. Although the event was paused in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has since resumed with the same dedication to community service, recently celebrating its 25th anniversary in fall 2024. Through these efforts, Do-It Day continues to serve as a meaningful opportunity for Trinity students to give back and strengthen their ties with the Hartford community. ---- ===== Sources ===== [[https://www.trincoll.edu/cher/blog/celebrating-25-years-of-do-it-day/|Celebrating 25 Years of Do-It Day]] [[http://www.jstor.org/stable/community.31634924?searchText=do-it+day&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Ddo-it%2Bday%26scope%3DeyJpZCI6ICIxMDA0NTI1MTEiLCAicGFnZU5hbWUiOiAiVHJpbml0eSBDb2xsZWdlIEFyY2hpdmFsIFB1YmxpY2F0aW9ucyBhbmQgTWFudXNjcmlwdHMiLCAicGFnZVVybCI6ICIvc2l0ZS90cmluaXR5L3RyaW5pdHljb2xsZWdlcHVibGljYXRpb25zLyIsICJ0eXBlIjogImNvbGxlY3Rpb24iLCAicG9ydGFsTmFtZSI6ICJUcmluaXR5IENvbGxlZ2UiLCAicG9ydGFsVXJsIjogIi9zaXRlL3RyaW5pdHkvIn0%253D%26so%3Drel&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3Aa888e046bb496a3e3e42977044b7d7ef|Trinity Tripod]], 09/21/2021. ---- [<>]