{{tag>places organizations students}} ====== Cultural Houses ====== The cultural houses on Trinity's [[summit_campus|campus]] are comprised of the Asian American Student Association (AASA) House, La Eracra, and the Umoja House. These houses are located on [[vernon_street|Vernon Street]] and have served the students of the College for over 20 years. These houses were created to support and celebrate the multicultural communities on campus. These houses have various uses, including serving as the meeting place for student organizations, hosting campus events, and acting as a safe place for students in need of support and guidance. Cultural house coordinators (CHCs) live in each house and oversee the programming of all in-house events, welcome the student body to the house, and represent their respective houses on the Multicultural Affairs Council. ====Asian American Student Association (AASA) House==== [{{:img_0034-1500-1024x701.jpg?direct&350 |Asian American Student Association (AASA) House. Photo credit: Trinity College}}] \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ While the [[asian-american_student_association_aasa_house|Asian-American Student Association (AASA) House]] is mainly geared toward Asian students, its welcoming atmosphere also serves as a space for all students to engage in intellectually stimulating and educational discussions. ====La Eracra==== [{{:img_0043-1500.jpg?direct&350 |La Eracra. Photo credit: Trinity College}}] \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [[la_eracra|La Eracra]], held in trust by La Voz Latina (LVL), is a Latinx student organization that aims to raise awareness about Latinx culture, history, politics, and social issues. ====Umoja House==== [{{:umoja_house.jpg?direct&350 |Umoja House. Photo credit: Trinity College}}] \\ \\ \\ As part of Trinity's commitment to foster intellectual connections and discussions among all students, the [[umoja_house| Umoja House]] was created as a gathering place for students from underrepresented backgrounds, especially those of African descent. //__**See more**__// Although not considered cultural houses, it should be noted that there are many other places on campus that hold cultural significance to the Trinity community, including: [[zachs_hillel_house|Zachs Hillel House]]. ---- ===== Sources ===== [[https://www.trincoll.edu/asian-american-student-association-house-raising-cultural-awareness-across-campus/| Asian-American Student Association House: Raising Cultural Awareness across Campus]] [[https://www.trincoll.edu/multicultural-affairs/cultural-houses/|Cultural Houses at Trinity]] [[https://www.trincoll.edu/la-eracra-a-space-for-cross-cultural-dialogue/|La Eracra: A Space for Cross-Cultural Dialogue]] [[https://www.trincoll.edu/umoja-house-a-home-away-from-home/|Umoja House: ‘A Home Away from Home’]] [[https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.30172356|The Trinity Tripod]], 09/26/2000. ---- [<>]