The Athletes of Color Coalition (ACC) was formed in the spring of 2019 as a way to enhance the athletic experience of Trinity's student-athletes of color by building a safe and more diverse environment where their voices could be heard. The five students who founded the group did so after noting that Trinity did not have the same support or resources for student-athletes of color as other NESCAC schools had. They wanted to ensure that student-athletes of color were able to share their stories with peers who had similar interests, backgrounds, and experiences. A priority for the group is to ensure that Trinity continues to bring in both student-athletes and coaches of color, citing how important it is for athletes to be able to identify with a coach.
The group aims to have a broader presence on the Trinity campus by working with other campus organizations, thereby helping to bridge the gap between students of color and student-athletes of color. In addition, the group works to create a network among student-athletes of color and to inspire discussion through releasing newsletters that highlight the accomplishments of student-athletes of color, organizing recruitment events, and holding informational sessions with presenters. The ACC also hosts bonding-focused events such as Superbowl watch-parties.
The ACC consists of a student-run E-board with several positions, including President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Chair.