{{tag>traditions}} ~~REDIRECT>wiki:denied~~ ====== Architecture ====== Trinity College is home to fine and significant architecture and is considered the greatest example of Collegiate Gothic architecture in the United States. The most significant of these buildings were constructed between 1878 and 1960. When constructing subsequent buildings, the College attempted to harmonize differing styles through similar style elements. However, deviations from Master Plans and choices in architects caused some buildings, particularly dormitories, to be designed without architectural style in mind. To see more details about the buildings on campus, see each article below and visit Trinity's [[https://www.publicartct.org/tours/trinity-college/#|Public Art CT walking tour.]] ===== Ionic ===== * [[old_campus|Old Campus]] ===== Gothic ===== * [[long_walk|Long Walk]] (Collegiate, 1878 and 1883, [[burges_william|William Burges]] and [[kimball_francis_h|Francis Hatch Kimball]]) * [[williams_memorial|Williams Memorial]] (1914, by Benjamin Wistar Morris) * [[chapel|Chapel]] (revival, 1932, by Philip H. Frohman) * [[downes_clock_tower|Downes Memorial Clock Tower]] (1958, by Harold Buckley Willis) ===== French Medieval ===== * [[st._anthony_hall|St. Anthony Hall]] (1878, by Josiah Cleveland Cady) ===== Tudor ===== * [[mather_hall|Mather Hall]] (1960, by * [[cook_hall|Cook Hall]] (1940, by James Kellum Smith and McKim, Mead and White Architects) * [[goodwin-woodward_hall|Goodwin-Woodward Hall]] (1940, by James Kellum Smith and McKim, Mead and White Architects) * [[Hamlin Hall]] (1940, by James Kellum Smith and McKim, Mead and White Architects) * [[ogilby_hall|Ogilby Hall]] ===== Brutalist ===== * [[albert_c._jacobs_life_sciences_center_lsc|Jacobs Life Sciences Center]] * [[library|Raether Library and IT Center, 1978 addition]] ===== Queen Anne Victorian ===== * [[smith_house|Smith House]] * [[english_department_building_115_vernon|English Department]] (former [[president_s_house|President's House]]) ===== Modernist ===== * Summit Suites (2000, by William L. Rawn III) * [[admissions_building|Borges Admissions Center]] (2001, by Peter Bohlin) ---- ===== Sources ===== [[http://example.com|Book Title Here]] (Date of Publication) by Author, pp. 00-00. [[http://example.com|Title of Website]]. [[http://example.com|Trinity Tripod]], MM/DD/YYYY. *Put sources in order of date (most recent first) ---- [<>]